Entered: 04/20/2013
Status: Adopted
Age: 2
Color: Black/White
Weight: 38 lbs.
Gender: Altered Female
Location: Columbia, MD
Health: UTD, HW-, treatment for ear infections and hookworms complete, overall excellent health
Temperament: Good with people as young as two, good with other dogs, shows no interest in cats
Update 6/24/2014: “Upon her return, it became immediately clear that Pokie had not changed one bit! She is still a laid back, uncomplicated, loving little girl who walks well on the leash.”
Pocahontas was returned to her MAESSR foster mom due to no fault of her own. In fact, her adoptive mom was heartbroken to have to relinquish her, but health reasons made it impossible for her to take care of Pocahontas. According to her prior owner, “Pokie” was a wonderful dog that had bonded well with her children.
Upon her return, it became immediately clear that Pokie had not changed one bit! She is still a laid back, uncomplicated, loving little girl who walks well on the leash. She knows the commands “sit,” “down,” and “wait.” It seemed as if she had never left her foster home and she and the resident Springer mix immediately began playing, obviously happy to see each other again.
Little Pokie is still a little timid with humans at times and that may be a part of her make-up for the rest of her life. However, she loves to meet new people and dogs and behaves very properly. Her foster mom did the sniff test with a cat recently and Pokie showed no interest.
Wouldn’t you love a young dog that does not misbehave and just want to have a home of her own? Perhaps you are thinking of getting a dog for your special needs child? Pokie has experience in that area and would make a wonderful companion. This is one sweet, good little girl who would fit into just about any family. How about yours?
Update 7/11/2013: “The match was simply not a “meant-to-be.”
Poor little Pocahontas made a trip to New Jersey to meet her adopting family, only to be returned a few days later. The match was simply not a “meant-to-be.” Through no fault of her own, she resettled into her original foster home. Pocahontas weathered her trip well and is happy to be back where she continues to grow into a more confident puppy.
Her foster mom has assured Pocahontas that she is a perfect (or almost perfect) little dog and that MAESSR will find a forever home for her soon. She’s as sweet as she can be and is willing to travel once again to meet a family who will love her for a lifetime. Let her next journey be to you!
Update 05/30/2013: “She looks at you with those big brown eyes and says, “I’m good; I can hold it until morning.”
This precious pup continues to grow into her new world. Pocahontas has discovered creature comforts and is adamant that she does not have to go for long walks in the rain or if it is too hot . If you have limited time for long walks, she is OK with that. She prays daily to the god of air conditioning and rejoices in being able to come in from the back yard after playing to cool off. If she is not discovered at the sliding door in a timely manner, she will paw at the door to be let in…..would you say she’s spoiled rotten?
Additionally, she has discovered the bliss of just lounging about and relaxing……as long as it is in sight of her pack leader. This little couch potato is even reluctant to get out of bed for her last potty break! She looks at you with those big brown eyes and says, “I’m good; I can hold it until morning. You just take my sister and I’ll wait here. I’m simply too tired to be bothered.” It is unbelievably funny to see her ponder the requests made by her foster parents; she is soooo serious! This girl does not jump first and ask questions later….one must consider things and then plot a course of action!
Pocahontas loves to cuddle and gives the most adorable little kisses. When her people approach her, she immediately rolls onto her back and throws her head back as if to say, “I’m yours! Scratch my belly, please!”
People food is still very interesting, but she is trying very hard to be a good girl and stay away from plates, pots and pans, even if they are in reach. There have not been any trash can incidents for a while…..good girl! She even respects the food bowl of the resident springer (at least as long as someone is watching or close by) as she knows that she is not supposed to eat what’s left there on top of her portion. However, all those good intentions only go so far! Her foster mom is certain that with continued training, she will be a perfect little girl and not fatten herself up by stealing her sister’s food.
Pocahontas is a sociable little dog and loves to meet new people and dogs, but without being overly excited. There are no worries about jumping up on people or harassing other dogs. Together with her wonderful leash manners, she makes for an easy dog to take on walks. Additionally, she is not interested in hunting at all. If she encounters deer, groundhogs, squirrels or geese, she just watches them in her serious way, trying to understand why these “dogs” look, walk, smell, and sound so funny.
“Sit” and “down” are now familiar words, as is “crate”, “no”, and a hissing sound her foster mom makes to indicate her displeasure. Pocahontas continues to strive towards becoming the perfect companion for all ages and different walks of life. Share the journey as Pocahontas continues toward adulthood by making her a forever part of your family now!
Update 05/20/2013: “She has learned not to beg for people food and stays at an appropriate distance while her people are eating……….good for her!!”
Pocahontas has made great progress in foster care. She is fully assimilated into her household and is just a joy to have around. She is happy-go-lucky and quite the clown. Nothing makes her happier than people laughing at her.
Her foster mom tested her off leash and Pocahontas has been just the perfect little girl. She’s not interested at all in what is going on around her; she’s just focused on her handler. Pocahontas probably would do quite well with trotting beside a stroller, a jogger, or even a bicycle (once she learns that there is nothing to fear), as she does not pull or sniff excessively on her walks. As she is a young dog, regular exercise is important to prevent undesired behavior. At her foster family’s home, she has not chewed on anything inappropriate, nor has she marked the house, or otherwise misbehaved. Well, there is the matter of the trash, which her family is still working on…..:). She has learned not to beg for people food and stays at an appropriate distance while her people are eating……….good for her!!
This little girl is now reacting to “come” and is working on “sit” and “down”, which she is picking up quickly. Pocahontas is very willing to learn and reacts well to positive reinforcement. She still intimidates easily, so patience is a must to build up her confidence.
Pocahontas does not have a mean bone in her body. She never reacts aggressively when startled or confronted with “danger.” Her foster mom has subjected her to all sorts of indignities such as peering in her mouth, pulling on her ears, tail, and other extremities, and she just lets it happen. For the family that is ready to continue some training with an active and fun-loving dog, Pocahontas is the one!!
Original: “She keeps looking up at her handler for praise and grins when she gets it.”
Pocahantas and her litter mates Sweet Sioux, Cheyenne, and Cherokee were four of five dogs surrendered by a Good Samaritan who had cared for them for four months after finding them dumped on his property. They were in an Ohio shelter for a month before coming to MAESSR.
Very affectionate, friendly, and playful, Pocahantas likes to be the center of attention. Although she is initially timid with new people she meets, she quickly warms up to them. Once she gets to know her people, she loves to follow them around. Overall, Pocahantas has not had a lot of socialization and is cautious with new and strange things; she just wants to check things out at her own pace and if assured, she’ll brave the world, even some scary stairs to the second story of her foster home. When she hears people walking on the paths behind her foster parent’s house, she barks to alert her family of their presence but quiets once told all is well.
Not at all shy around other dogs at all, Pocahantas is happy to run and tussle with the resident female dog. Toys don’t seem to interest her and she is not object possessive or food possessive at all.
Pocahantas’s foster parents keep the dogs’ days and nights very structured, so they know when to expect food, treats, walks, and bedtime. This puppy girl now knows to go to her crate when she and the resident dog come in from the last potty break of the evening. She sleeps in her crate at night without problems. When her foster mom goes out, Pocahantas and the resident dog have free reign of the house with the exception of the trash can! That has to be secured since a certain MAESSR foster dog likes to trash dive. Other than that, Pocahantas is fine. She doesn’t chew on things but will carry around shoes and climb on the sofa although she knows not to do that when her foster parents are around. An inveterate counter-surfer, Pocahantas is not to be trusted with people food and will try to get if from wherever she can reach.
Although Pocahantas does not know any commands, she is a smart girl and walks very well on a leash! She keeps looking up at her handler for praise and grins when she gets it. Maryland has leash laws, so she has not been off leash during walks, but she is no runner. Her foster dad left the gate open to bring in gardening supplies and she wandered into the driveway, but went no further and came back into the yard immediately. Good girl! She is very happy to be in the yard and does not try to get out, nor does she dig or otherwise make herself a nuisance. Her foster parents have taught her to not enter or exit the house or car without approval and she is quite good at that.
Pocahantas’s foster mom is starting to teach her formal commands using lots of positive reinforcement as she is easily intimidated and shuts down when insecure. Formal schooling is in Pocahantas’s future. MAESSR only places puppies (even year old ones) in homes that are committed to training and bonding with the pup in obedience classes. Puppies require a lot of care, attention, and patience, and they do chew on things! The decision to get a puppy and raise it to be a healthy, happy, and well-adjusted dog is a serious commitment. To reinforce this commitment, MAESSR requires all adopters of dogs a year old and younger to enroll their puppy in obedience classes within 60 days of adoption. Pocahantas will be at the head of her class!
During an at-home spa day, Pocahantas had a bath and a good brushing. Despite being scared, she was easy to handle and was even good when having her ears cleaned. She is cooperative when receiving her ear medication and pills, too.
Pocahontas will make a great family pet who will adjust quickly to her adopter’s lifestyle, especially if that involves hiking and enjoying the outdoors in a more relaxed environment.