Entered: 08/09/2014
Status: Adopted
Age: 7
Color: Black/White
Weight: 45 lbs.
Gender: Altered Male
Location: Altoona, PA
Health: UTD, HW-, Lyme+ with testing complete, losing to a healthy weight
Temperament: Good with adults and older children, good with other dogs, unknown with cats
Update 08/21/2014: “On the return trip, he ended up in the front passenger seat as he apparently stepped on the seat belt release to which he was tethered and took advantage of the situation.“
Payton had his vet appointment for the exam that every incoming foster dog receives. In overall good health, he did come up positive for Lyme disease. He is currently asymptomatic and will have further testing to complete the diagnosis. Payton was a real trooper when getting his bloodwork done. He received lots of compliments from the clinic’s staff regarding his behavior and good looks. He sure did love all those mini-treats that the enamored office crew gave him, despite the vet recommending that he lose a few pounds. It seems Payton put on a few “pregnancy pounds” since his expectant owner was unable to continue their exercise regimen. With regular walks resuming in foster care, Payton’s pounds will go away quickly!
During the four mile drive to the vet’s office Payton whined and panted. On the return trip, he ended up in the front passenger seat as he apparently stepped on the seat belt release to which he was tethered and took advantage of the situation. Fortunately he was only .5 miles away from home. Hmmm………a little something else for Payton to work on.
Always a love, check back for progress on Payton. He’s going to make a fine addition to one lucky family!
Original: “His former owner reported that Payton loved the water and always looked for a puddle or any body of water in which to play.”
Handsome, sweet, smart, and athletic Payton came into MAESSR’s care when his Pennsylvania owner was having a baby and thought a re-homing would be best for his welfare. Payton was used to being the “only child” and seemed to not handle little children well. He has no bite history but did growl at a toddler in the past. In his foster home, he joined two senior resident dogs–a Springer and a bearded collie mix–as well as a senior MAESSR foster brother. Overall, he is getting along with his foster siblings despite the resident Springer being a curmudgeon and sometimes slow to accept newbies. Payton is still trying to figure out exactly where he fits into the pack as its youngest and newest member.
Overall, the newcomer has been a considerate house-guest. He has not counter-surfed, trash-dived, or chewed inappropriately; he has been well-behaved in the yard. He was allowed on the furniture in his former home, but this habit is being reshaped in the foster home. The first night when Payton expected to sleep in foster mom’s bed, he was remanded to a dog pillow in the bedroom with the enticement of a dog treat. He tried several times to get in bed that night but has since given up the quest once the lights go out. Often when foster mom heads to bed, he is waiting there for her but quickly gets down. He certainly is a smart boy and has been quick to adapt to this new expectation. Sometimes Payton likes to get up earlier than everyone else but is prompted to go back to sleep—that sun is coming up later every day, big boy!!
This handsome middle-aged guy is housetrained and has had no accidents. He is let out around foster mom’s schedule but will go to the door and sit if he would like to go out in between times. He is crate trained although his previous owner reports that over the last several years he has been given free roam of the house as he became upset when crated. Currently, in the foster home, he is crated side by side the other foster up to six hours with no issues. Payton is quite excited to be let out of the crate but quietly and patiently waits for foster mom to do so. At other times, he will utilize the open crate to go in and chill for a short while.
Payton is fed separately from the other dogs as he would prefer to eat their food also. He will swoop in on treats that are dropped by housemates. His former owner said he would become tense if she got too close when he was eating, but this behavior has not been observed at the foster home.
Reportedly, Payton was trained at home with a trainer but only knows “sit,” “in your house” (his crate), “wait,” “good boy,” “go,” and “no beg.” He is currently learning “quiet sitting” to reduce the frequency and duration of his barking. Previously, he lived on a very busy street and barked at almost everything that passed by. His foster mom has experienced the same behavior and is working to reduce it by rewarding Payton with mini-treats for quiet sitting. The passersby who have been startled by his loud and intense barking will be appreciative! Once this behavior is under control, foster mom will be able to take those late afternoon catnaps she sometimes enjoys.
His former owner reported that Payton loved the water and always looked for a puddle or any body of water in which to play. He was accustomed to going for seven-mile walks/runs up until his owner’s pregnancy interfered with this activity. Now, Payton has been taking two 1.5 mile walks with the pack of four on a daily basis. He is doing well, exhibiting only some occasional mild pulling. He has not needed the Gentle Leader his former owner used and takes in stride the reactive dogs encountered. However, walking is the only activity Payton seems to enjoy. He did bring his favorite toy along but picked it up only once after five days in the home. He chased a tennis ball but then ran past it and has not played with the other dogs in the home. He has some curiosity about the senior foster and female resident but steers clear of the resident Springer who quite frequently, as pack leader, grumbles at Payton.
When riding in a car Payton needs to be secured as otherwise he would be in the driver’s seat. Although he did fairly well on his transport to his foster home, he tends to pant, shake, and whine to show he does not enjoy this mode of travel.
Payton’s vet visit is pending; he is basically healthy in spite of having had some minor eye, toe and gastric distresses in the past. His teeth get dirty quite easily and require frequent cleaning.
Payton will make a wonderful addition to a family with no kids or with older children.. He utterly enjoys his walks and would probably enjoy living near the beach or a lake—or, at least, somewhere with mud puddles for splashing. This love is a well-behaved fellow who will have a good time inside or out and be happy with his people.