Entered: 8/31/13
Status: Rainbow Bridge
Age: 12
Color: Black/White
Weight: 42 lbs.
Gender: Altered Female
Location: Louisa, VA
Health: UTD, HW-,benefiting from medications to support kidneys and regulate thyroid, heart murmur detected which requires no treatment at this time, treatment for Lyme disease and skin, ear, and urinary tract infections complete, appears to be deaf
Temperament: Good with all people including children as young as 1 1/2, good with dogs, good with cats
Update 06/02/2014: “She was a happy, tail wagging girl right to the end, even when she was having a really hard time.”
It is with great sadness that Cassie’s mom reports that this sweet girl has gone to the bridge. Cassie was doing really well until the warm weather hit. It then became clear that her health would not hold out much longer. She was a happy, tail wagging girl right to the end, even when she was having a really hard time.
Although Cassie was with her family for just nine months, she had wormed her way into their hearts and was greatly loved. Please think of them during this difficult time. Godspeed, Cassie!
Update 03/27/2014: “New meds have worked wonders for her and she seems very comfortable.“
Cassie continues to do well these spring days, surprising her family and all she meets! New meds have worked wonders for her and she seems very comfortable. Some days her energy is not there and she has days now when she will not eat but, overall, she is amazing.
Though no longer interested in traveling, Cassie still enjoys her short walks around the farm. When people come to visit, she will now go find a quiet place, out of the way, to sit out busyness in her home. What’s fun to see, though, is that she is still up for barking at the UPS man………..mostly because he gives her cookies!
Her favorite thing is still lying on the porch, watching the birds or taking a short nap. There haven’t been many of those warm days yet, but she has taken advantage of every one for sure.
Cassie continues to be a sweet, loving girl and everyone just adores her. Think good thoughts for this “old lady” and know that her modest needs are met every day. She has a loving family that dotes on her, pastoral splendor to stroll around in, a comfy porch to settle on and the chance to grow her personal bird list without leaving her own perch………:)). Happy birding, Miss Cassie! May your life list grow long this season!Update 01/07/2014: “A happy little girl, Cassie has once more begun to carry around her stuffed bunny from time to time and will even do her little Springer dance when it is time for treats.”
Little Cassie is doing really well these days. She’s on new meds and is much more comfortable. While she continues to have good days and bad days, the good days are winning at this point. When things are less busy in her home, Cassie is the most content. She’s not really that active anymore, so as long as things are quiet, she does very well. Since her hearing appears to be gone, she sleeps soundly through much of the activity.
A happy little girl, Cassie has once more begun to carry around her stuffed bunny from time to time and will even do her little Springer dance when it is time for treats. Recently she even began to sit up and beg again, waving her little paws in the air to get everyone’s attention. She must be feeling a little bit better!
Cassie continues to be a delight to her foster family.
Update 11/20/2013: “Cassie is a fighter in every way but, at last, her health problems have become too overwhelming and she is now in congestive heart failure.”
Recently Cassie began to show signs of distress, so it was back to the vet for the little girl. Cassie is a fighter in every way but, at last, her health problems have become too overwhelming and she is now in congestive heart failure. With the addition of a medication, she is once more comfortable and the decision was made to make her a permanent foster. Knowing Miss Cassie is in the best of hands, here’s hoping she will be waving her paws at her foster family and friends for a long time to come…………….
Update 11/05/2013: “She always enjoys herself when she gets to go new places; she’s eager to tell everyone she meets how much she loves the world.”
Cassie is doing great these days! Her ear and skin infections have cleared up and she is a perfect weight. The medications to help with her kidneys are working well. There have been no accidents in the house for at least three weeks!
With the reintroduction of the doggie door, Cassie is able to handle her frequent bathroom breaks on her own. There are, however, several times during the day, and at the last call before bedtime, when she requires the “attention” of her people while outside. She wouldn’t want them to feel unneeded and, of course, there is the “cookie” that goes along with being a very good girl for taking care of her business!
Little Cassie is totally unaware that she has a few health problems. She is the first one out the door when it is time for walks and the first one back into the house when the walks are over, beating everyone else hands down. She once again is playing with or carrying around her beloved stuffed toys and is a happy, Velcro girl. As a matter of fact, this talented girl can still “sit-up” to beg for food; while doing so, she can even wave her little paws in the air!
Cassie sleeps all night on a doggie bed in her foster mom’s room. Her house manners are excellent, she is very good on the leash, and she absolutely loves riding in the car. She always enjoys herself when she gets to go new places; she’s eager to tell everyone she meets how much she loves the world.
Do you have room in your heart for this little girl? She has so much love to give!
Update 10/08/2013: “Cassie is a treasure and would enrich any home. Wouldn’t you like to have her in your house to manage the holiday season and all the days, weeks, and months that follow?”
Cassie is doing very well. With her doggie door back, she has had almost no accidents in the house. She will leak a little when she gets really excited, but that is to be expected. This little girl is full of personality and continues to be a delight to have around. Now that she has the daily routine down pat again, she has taken charge of letting the other dogs know when it is time to eat or last call potty which is when everyone gets the wonderful “hot dogs.”
Cassie has also decided she wants to be the watch dog in her foster home. The only problem with this plan is that between wagging her tail and barking she gets nothing but grins and chuckles from everyone including the UPS man. Her tail not only wags, it also wags her whole rear end at the same time.
In the last week she developed a skin infection but, after getting shaved down and starting medicated baths, she is already looking and feeling better. No more itching or chewing; all is peaceful once more. Happy, Happy, Happy!
Nothing keeps this senior down; she is full of energy and ready for anything. Although Cassie doesn’t play with the puppy next door, she will go get him a couple of times a day to come over and occupy the other fosters so she has something to supervise.
Cassie is a treasure and would enrich any home. Wouldn’t you like to have her in your house to manage the holiday season and all the days, weeks, and months that follow?
Update 09/10/2013: “She is still the same sweet, funny, little girl and her foster mom is delighted to have her back.”
Sweet little Cassie was returned to MAESSR when her family was no longer able to care for her; they had been involved in a terrible automobile accident that almost took their lives. Her family is heartbroken as they loved her very, very much. Although Cassie was unhappy and confused for a few days in her foster home, she suddenly seemed to remember where she was and has settled nicely. Cassie was fortunate to be able to return to the foster home she lived in before she was adopted two years ago. She is still the same sweet, funny, little girl and her foster mom is delighted to have her back.
Cassie has some health issues that will need to be taken care of; most are age-related. One is a previous condition that has gotten a little out of control during this time of turmoil, so her foster mom will help Cassie get her health back on track. This is of no consequence to her because, being the “Miss Cassie” she is, she’s right back to exploring the fields on the farm and running up and down the doggie ramp.
Perhaps feeling her seniority, Cassie has taken control of the other fosters in the home and will even ask the 11 year-old girl to “get off the sofa” so she can take it over. Cassie always had a little trouble sharing….but she is remembering the rules and getting better. It is very funny to watch her and the other senior girl, both almost deaf, trying to come to agreement! Barking doesn’t work, but they are finding other ways to communicate and compromise.
Cassie continues to have wonderful house manners, is still a Velcro girl, and is the life of the party when company is in the house. At night she sleeps on a pallet beside her foster mom’s bed and, because she doesn’t hear the alarm clock, sometimes has to be told it is time to get up. Cassie is not much on walks, never was; she’s just happy to be let out to do her business. If she must go for a walk, she has excellent leash manners. Cassie also loves to ride in the car. She does need a little help to get in, but this is not a big deal as she is so small.
Look for more to come as Miss Cassie gets ready to consider new forever homes.
Update 10/14/2010: “When visitors arrive, she will run into the house, “woo woo”-ing at her foster mom to let her know; then she greets the visitors with a wagging butt and little happy circles.”
Miss Cassie, as she has come to be called by her foster mom, is beginning to blossom. She has lost a few more pounds and is almost to her target weight. Now she leads the pack on walks and can even jump up on the sofa. This most recent accomplishment is something she is very proud of. She will sit on the sofa with a half smile on her face, as if to say, “See what I can do!”
While she was always seen carrying a stuffed toy in her mouth, she now also enjoys tossing the toys into the air and playing fetch with them. Cassie even invites the other foster dog in her home to play tug of war and, to her delight, he is happy to oblige!
Her foster family recently installed a doggie door and Cassie loves to lay on the porch where she can keep an eye on the world. When visitors arrive, she will run into the house, “woo woo”-ing at her foster mom to let her know; then she greets the visitors with a wagging butt and little happy circles. Cassie has assumed the responsibility of being the official greeter and she loves it!
The meds for her urinary tract issue appear to be helping a great deal and this little girl has no health issues at present. Instead, she feels super! Cassie is tolerant of small children, but she chooses to leave the room if they are around. She will probably be more content in a forever home that does not include young children.
This is one sweet little girl; loving, funny, and always well-behaved. She would make a devoted companion to anyone ready for a little more love in their lives.
Update 09/14/2010: “Cassie’s feeling great and is ready to get into life’s best with people who want to share moderate daily activities with their dog. Fall walks?”
Miss Cassie has lost 7 pounds since she came to MAESSR. She now weighs 42.2. Way to go!! She will need to continue on the thyroid supplement for the rest of her life and, with correct thyroid levels, maintaining a healthy weight should no longer be a challenge for her.
Earlier vetting had raised some concerns with Cassie’s urine values. After more testing, it has been found that she is losing some protein in her urine. This is the result of some damage to her urinary tract from her thyroid levels being out of whack for so long. She has been started on another medication that could possibly help fix the previous damage, but the outcome is not known at this time. The medication is inexpensive and will, at a minimum, stop any further damage. This is not life threatening for Cassie, just something that her caregivers need to be aware of. Whoever is interested in adopting Cassie will be allowed to contact the vet that did the recent testing for the full run down and details prior to adoption.
This is one really great girl. Cassie’s feeling great and is ready to get into life’s best with people who want to share moderate daily activities with their dog. Fall walks? What would they be without a best friend at your side?
Update 08/27/2010: “Along with green beans and cantaloupe, Cassie has let her foster mom know that she also enjoys lettuce and peas. She seems to know what foods will help her keep a slim figure!”
Cassie’s most recent vet visit confirmed that her thyroid levels are now normal, due to her medication regimen. And now for a drum roll………Cassie’s lost 4 pounds! Some crusty skin patches also have cleared up, so Cassie’s looking good!
Now carrying a lighter load, Cassie enjoys walks down through the pasture with her furry friends, trotting along like a little trooper. She’s very busy in her foster home on weekends and is grateful for Monday so she can sleep in!
Cassie continues to get along well in her foster home and has become very comfortable there. She prefers to sleep in the bathroom on the throw rug rather than on a doggie bed. Along with green beans and cantaloupe, Cassie has let her foster mom know that she also enjoys lettuce and peas. She seems to know what foods will help her keep a slim figure!
Cassie is now looking for a forever home with a family that shares her likes – long walks, warm hugs, and occasional produce with meals!
Update 07/02/2010: “If she does not get the attention she craves, she will put her nose into your hand and prod you until she gets a pat.”
Cassie had her visit to the vet to receive vaccinations and routine testing. In the vet’s office, she greeted everyone, human and canine, who came into the office. She happily stepped onto the scale and underwent her examination and vaccinations without a word. Cassie was found to have a low thyroid level and, as a result, she is being put on a low-cost daily medication. She eats anything and everything, including green beans and cantaloupe, so it will be no problem giving her medication. She received compliments from the vet and the staff on her outstanding behavior and nice, clean teeth. She does have some long-standing ear issues and will require regular cleaning.
Adjusting to life in a busy foster home continues. Cassie’s foster mother finally heard her bark for the first time. It was in response to the family coming home and Cassie’s letting them know she wanted out of the crate to greet them. She is getting more comfortable with her furry foster sisters and brother and is becoming one of the family. She loves being outside and exploring the sights and sounds of her home. Cassie will look out the window to see what everyone is doing if she is left in the house while the family is outside. She wants to be with the family and participate in all the activities. She likes to carry her stuffed animals around and chew on smoked elk bones. Cassie loves attention and will sit and stare until she is recognized. If she does not get the attention she craves, she will put her nose into your hand and prod you until she gets a pat.
Cassie continues to work on her weight and exercise programs. Although she would like more to eat, her food is regulated to help her lose some weight and become more active. She goes up and down the steps spryly now and will jump into the car to go for a ride. Think what this springy Springer could do when she reaches an ideal weight!
This is one sweet little girl who would love a home that could give her lots of love, attention, green beans and cantaloupe. Once Cassie gets her thyroid medication adjusted to the therapeutic level, she will be ready for her furever home. It shouldn’t take long…………keep an eye out for “available” on this gal’s page!
Original: “A bit plump, Cassie will benefit from diet and exercise.”
Cassie came into MAESSR’s care when her mom had to move out of state and could not take her along. On her journey to her foster home she did get sick in the car, but this was probably due to the stress of leaving her home. She is understandably confused but is adapting well in her foster home.
Cassie welcomes her family when they come home from work by sitting up and asking for a pat on the head. She sits to have her leash attached and walks nicely without pulling unless there is some delectable aroma to distract her. Then, she wants to explore and find out what it is. This little lady would not stoop to counter-surf or dumpster dive as that would be beneath her dignity! She prefers to dine on her kibble and frozen green beans.
When it comes time for bed or a short nap, Cassie makes herself at home in one of the available crates and does not attempt to get up on the furniture. She is currently crated while her family is at work but it is probably not necessary as she is a bit of a couch potato. A bit plump, Cassie will benefit from diet and exercise. She still has a spring to her step and will jog happily around the yard but then heads for the door to go back into the air conditioning. Who can blame her with this summer’s heat!
Cassie gets along well with her canine foster sisters and brother, as well as the resident cat that is more or less ignored. She does not resource guard or try to steal what isn’t hers, but will pick up anyone’s stuffed critter to carry around.
In the coming week, Cassie will be visiting the veterinarian to have her health status checked. She appears healthy, but may be slightly hard of hearing. Stay tuned for more of the adventures of Cassie as she gets ready for her forever home!