Entered: 05/08/2011
Status: Adopted
Age: 7
Color: Liver/White
Weight: 55 lbs.
Gender: Altered Male
Location: Elkridge MD
Health: UTD, HW-, treatment for itchy skin complete, cyst drained, overall very good health
Temperament: Good with people as young as 12, good with other dogs, good with cats
Update 03/19/2014: “Bailey is a wonderful and happy dog who is waiting to have someone new to love and be loved by.”
Once a MAESSR dog, always a MAESSR dog, so when Bailey’s owners moved into an apartment and could not take him with them, he returned to foster care for a new beginning.
Since his return Bailey has demonstrated excellent house manners in all areas except one. In true Springer fashion and given opportunity, he will counter-surf and turn over trash cans. To counter this, his savvy foster mom keeps the kitchen gated off when no one is around. Bailey does not jump the gate so that solves the problem. He does not chew inappropriate things but does require hearty play toys as he will demolish any stuffed toys or toys not made for heavy chewers.
Having never learned to play with other dogs as a pup, Bailey seldom actually plays with another dog now. However, he’s fine around dogs, both males and females. He does get a little possessive with other dogs if they try to take his favorite ball but he will give it up to his human when requested. He can be fed in a room with other dogs but, if he finishes first, he will try to “help them out” by eating their meals. Fortunately, he backs off right away when reminded that it is not his food. He is great with dog savvy cats, allowing them to rub against him and hang out with him……………..good boy!!
Bailey is a high energy dog and needs lots of activity. He loves hiking and swimming while playing ball is very special for him. He is quiet and mellow in the house as long as his exercise needs are met. He is one of those Velcro Springers and follows his humans everywhere. He even wants to help his foster mom vacuum and gets in the way at times. Bailey is left alone for part of the day and does not need to be crated during those times. He loves to cuddle with his human on the furniture but will get down when asked or told not to come up. He sleeps on the floor or in a large chair next to the bed. He would love to get in the bed but knows he is not allowed.
In his future home, Bailey would be best around children, ages 12 or older. He feels a little anxious when little ones hug him and gets very excited when running around outside with children. He currently lives in a house with a gated yard and asks to go out by standing close to his humans and looking intently at them. Baily will dig if left alone in the yard. He just can’t seem to help himself. Something must smell really good down in the dirt!
Bailey is a good walker but will pull a bit just because he has so much to do. He really needs to check out all smells and will weave back and forth when on a trail. He does have good recall when in a familiar situation but would probably chase a critter when out and about if off leash.
Traveling is one of Bailey’s loves and he is great in the car. On long trips he will just lie down and nap. He will try to travel shotgun, so he is tethered just so he can’t jump in the front seat.
He is well behaved when visiting the groomer and vet. At his vet check since returning to MAESSR, Bailey had a cyst on his back drained. It’s one of those things that may return but is nothing to worry about. Bailey’s only long-term health issue is an allergy to fleas. Even with flea treatment dogs can get bitten by fleas and Bailey reacts with terribly itchy skin. If left untreated, he is very uncomfortable and will chew so he does need to visit the vet at times for extra help to relieve the itch. His ears and teeth are in good condition, completing the picture of a very healthy boy.
Bailey is a wonderful and happy dog who is waiting to have someone new to love and be loved by. This cutie won’t take long to find his new match……………..
Update 06/21/2011: “When he wants to crawl up on the couch or bed to cuddle, he first looks to his parents for permission. What a good boy!”
Good news for Bailey! He recently completed his treatment for heartworms and he shows no signs of discomfort from that ordeal. After a little bout of diarrhea due to the stress of spending a couple of nights at the vet , he’s back to normal and is even more loveable than before if that’s possible! His foster parents are trying to keep his activity level down, but that’s proving to be difficult because Bailey’s a SPRINGER!
Bailey has a cute new trick. He has learned to give kisses when he wants a treat. How adorable is that? When he wants to crawl up on the couch or bed to cuddle, he first looks to his parents for permission. What a good boy!
Gentle and well mannered, when good things are happening in the kitchen, Bailey lies under the table and does not beg for food. The only time he jumps excitedly on someone is when his foster parents just arrive home, but he settles down quickly. Bailey has such beautiful eyes when he looks at his humans that they can almost hear the question he is asking: “Am I doing OK, Mom or Dad?” because all he wants to do is please them.
The only habit that Emily Post would frown upon is Bailey’s belching. It’s pretty darn loud! His foster mom wonders if it’s just a guy thing. It always gets a giggle from his parents, and it seems that their other furry kids are starting to do it also, they’re just not as loud as Bailey! It’s never a dull moment with Bailey, and his foster parents love having him around.
Now that this sweet boy is healthy, he’s ready for a forever home. He would love a family that wouldn’t mind a couch cuddler and bed snuggler. Wouldn’t you just love to trade a treat for a kiss? If so, then Bailey’s your guy!
Update 05/23/2011: “If he is upstairs or downstairs and the refrigerator door is opened on the main floor, he is right there expecting a treat or two.”
Bailey has had his first heartworm injection and will be going back to get the remaining treatments in June. For the first couple days after his first treatment, he was quiet and didn’t move around much. He never let his family know he was hurting until his foster mom went to pet him on his back; then he winced. Pain pills were started and, in no time, Bailey started bouncing back to his happy, lovable self. Bailey’s bald spots are finally growing hair and his skin issue is improving with the thyroid correction. His trips so far to the vet’s office have been no problem. His family opens the door and he walks right in for his visit with butt and tail wagging. Everyone at the office thinks he is a sweetheart.
At home Bailey still enjoys going out in the yard to paw at the dirt and then whips around to see if he has dug up anything of interest. He still is a well mannered boy; he has no bad habits to deal with. His hearing is excellent. If he is upstairs or downstairs and the refrigerator door is opened on the main floor, he is right there expecting a treat or two. He can still be trusted off leash and will come immediately when called.
You can just look at Bailey and his eyes light up, his butt and tail wags, and he is all smiles. Keep fingers crossed for continuing great progress for this happy boy.
Original: “If you are a family looking for a dog with personality, Bailey has that and much more.”
After his North Carolina owner died, Bailey was given the chance to start his journey toward finding his forever home by joining the MAESSR family. When his foster parents picked him up, they knew right away what he needed to make him look and feel his best while waiting for his new family.
When he took a trip to the groomer, Bailey got high marks on his report card. The groomer reported that Bailey allowed her to bathe and dry him, and even groom his paws. All the while, his full tail was wagging. He was excellent around the other animals and even the children that happened to be visiting that day. The groomer said that Bailey would make an excellent pet for some lucky family.
Unfortunately, Bailey’s health needs a little work before he’ll be ready for adoption. He is heartworm positive, and is currently being treated for the infection. Those worms are NOT invited to accompany Bailey to his forever home! He also had some skin and coat issues, but those are being taken care of as well. With proper treatment and a healthier diet, Bailey will be in tip top shape in no time!
Bailey is housetrained, has free run of the house and does not counter-surf, trash dive or chew on anything, even when his foster parents are gone all day. No need for a crate for this well-mannered boy! Bailey walks well on leash without pulling and can even be trusted off leash. He also loves to ride in the car. Bailey knows basic commands such as sit, stay, come, and no. He loves a good game of fetch and playing with the resident dogs. If a human or canine playmate isn’t available, Bailey will amuse himself by pawing at the dirt, then whirling around quickly to see if anything interesting flew up behind him.
This sweet boy loves to cuddle and will come get his share (if not more!) when either one of his foster parents are hugging up to the resident dogs. When out in the fenced yard, Bailey loves to hang out with his people. If he sees that they are on the other side of the fence, he will let them know they are too far away! Bailey has no problem when he is outside and his people are inside; he just doesn’t want a fence to come between them if they are both outside.
Bailey has a way of communicating with his people that is almost human. The way he responds, both vocally and with a tail wag, his eyes glowing with love, shows that he understands and wants to share his thoughts too. If you are a family looking for a dog with personality, Bailey has that and much more. Watch for more on Bailey as he completes his treatment and prepares for his next adventure.