Events – Current & Pupcoming
THE 2025 CALENDARS ARE HERE! The wall calendar – a beautifully curated calendar where each month unfolds with a delightful collection of heartwarming dog portraits capturing the joy and charm of man’s best friend in every season. The desk calendar – one great photo each month sits on your desk giving an easy overview of the month. Buy in bundles and save! Add 2+ calendars to your cart to see a discount.
IT’S A FUNDRAISER! To mark 25 years of MAESSR, we’ve launched a t-shirt fundraiser. You can choose from two t-shirts, a long-sleeve t-shirt, or a crewneck sweatshirt in a variety of colors. All proceeds help MAESSR continue to find homes for Springers in need.
Featured Dogs
Check out our senior/special needs dogs! Our program, SENIORS FOR SENIORS, charges a $75 adoption fee for adopters aged 60 and over who adopt dogs nine years old and older or special needs dogs. If interested in one of our senior/special needs dogs, contact Candi Lynn here.
Fund$ for Foster$

We can earn money through WOOFTRAX just by walking our dogs – in fact you don’t even need a dog, just a smartphone & good walking shoes! Download the app on your phone & follow the directions. (If Wooftrax doesn’t come up, try Walk For A Dog.) When asked to pick a shelter/rescue (ask to change if it shows the closest to your home) pick VA as the site, scroll to the M’s & select MAESSR. You will then be asked to verify email address. Keep following directions & the app will appear on your phone. When you tap it, enter your dog’s info & start walking. It is a simple process each time you go for a walk. Currently we have 24 active walkers. Spread the word – make your walks count!

Check out CHEWY – Place your first order & chewy will proudly donate $20 to MAESSR! There is a huge selection of pet food (including 5-star dog foods), treats, & supplies delivered straight to your door! They sell over 300 brands of pure pet love, have 24/7 customer service, free shipping on orders over $49, & are cheaper than your local store. Sign up for automatic shipment of dog food or other supplies right to your door on the schedule you choose. No more lugging big bags of dog food from your car to the house!
The Marketplace
The MAESSR MARKETPLACE is open 24/7 for purchases. We’ve also got cool toys for man’s best friend and companion. The MAESSR store and website are in transition – thanks so much for your understanding while we make improvements to the store and website.
Training Library
The MAESSR Training Library has over 250 titles of ACTUAL DVDs, CDs, and books, both fiction and non-fiction, to lend out. You can BORROW items directly from the Training Library by simply adding them to the shopping cart and checking out. The material will be mailed to you and is due back in three weeks; YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR RETURN POSTAGE.
Featured Library Titles
CANINE EPILEPSY & SEIZURES: CAUSES AND TREATMENTS (260 pages) by James Belan. Seizures are one of the most common neurological conditions in dogs. The scientific term for seizure is “ictus.” A seizure may also be called a convulsion, attack, or fit and is a temporary involuntary disturbance of normal brain function that is usually accompanied by uncontrollable muscle activity. They occur when too much electrical activity is going on in the outer layers of a dog’s brain called the cortex, which is responsible for thought, memory, sensation, and movement. Seizures are the result of muscle responses to an abnormal nerve-signal burst from the brain. They are symptoms of an underlying neurological dysfunction. Toxic substances and metabolic or electrolyte abnormalities and/or imbalances cause an uncoordinated firing of neurons in the cerebrum of the brain, creating seizures from mild petit mals to severe grand mals. Donated by Cathy Moyer.
MERLE’S DOOR: LESSONS FROM A FREE-THINKING DOG (398 pages) by Ted Kerasote. Humorous, jubilant and touching by turns, this story of the relationship between man and dog is informed by the author’s grasp of animal research and his attachment to Merle, a stray dog he adopted. A Labrador mix, Merle first appeared while the author was on a camping trip. Kerasote (Out There: In the Wild in a Wired Age), an award-winning nature writer, decided to take his canine friend home to rural Wyoming. This chronicle of their 13 years together is interspersed with studies by animal behaviorists that strengthened Kerasote’s desire to see Merle as a responsible individual rather than a submissive pet. Merle set his own eating schedule (though not without early mishap), refused to hunt birds (although not elks) and, according to the author, possessed a range of emotions and sentiments similar to those of humans.
Library Wish Lists
Did You Know?
If any volunteers wish to promote MAESSR and the work we do at an event in their community, please email Vicki Phillips. These are marketing events only to hand out information.
To learn more about the website, check out the tutorials here.
Would you like to write content for our blog? We’d love to feature articles from MAESSR volunteers. If you’d like to contribute, click here & either send us your article or let us know your idea.
If you have a PET IN NEED OF PRAYERS, please email Linda Shope or Linda Johnston. They would be happy to add your pet’s name to the pet ministry prayer list.
IF YOU SEE A SPRINGER NEEDING RESCUE: For a springer being re-homed in an ad on social media or in a newspaper, please email the relinquishment team. For a springer in a shelter, please email the shelter dog team. In your email include contact info such as links to the online post, shelter name, state, and phone number.
Did you move? Did you change your email address? ADDRESS CHANGES should be emailed here. On the new website you can also set up an account under the Shop tab so that MAESSR can keep track of your mailing address; your email can also be changed under Your Account in the top right-hand corner with Edit Profile.
If you need advice regarding behavioral issues, certified and credentialed trainers that use positive methods only to help guide people to the correct resources can be found at CCPDT and IAABC.
Gentle Nudges
RAINBOW BRIDGE CROSSINGS are shared on a monthly basis. If you want your MAESSR dog included, send your name, dog’s MAESSR name if different than the post-adoption name, year of adoption, and a PHOTO here. Feel free to include who fostered and a little background info about your dog. To have the information posted on our Facebook page, send it (including photos) to the social media team.
When you send your notes about events or requests for help, please cc: here to help ensure that all events are mentioned in the Weekly Pupdate.
Mistakes happen! Corrections or omissions to the Weekly Pupdate can be sent to updates email.
Pictures! Pictures! Pictures!

To share pics, videos, and/or articles about your MAESSR dog to our social media team. Videos for adoption pages & YouTube channel get sent here. Be sure to include dog’s MAESSR name including number, if one, and adoption year.
Pup-ulation Report
Total dogs in our care: 22
Permanent fosters: 3
Dogs pending foster home: 2
Moving to foster home:
Natasha to Lynn Baker
Moving to furever homes:
Submitted by volunteer Cathy Moyer with thanks to those who contributed submissions/info.
PO Box 807 Goochland VA 23063 – Phone (804)774-6730
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