National Pet Parents Day

News & Pupcoming Events
Saturday, June 8th from 9 am to 4 pm
Mountain Run Lake Park in Culpeper, VA
For more info or to register for picnic, click on photo or date.
Sunday, June 9th from 11 am – 4 pm (rain or shine)
PAW PRINTS ON THE CANAL Event at Canal Street Park in Northampton PA.
MAESSR will have a table and 3-4 volunteers are needed to man the table. We are celebrating our 15th anniversary this year! Contact Candi Lynn (click on photo or link for email address) if you can help.
Saturday Sept 7th from 9 am to 4 pm
Mariner Point Park in Joppatowne, MD
For more info or to register for picnic, click on photo or date.
SALE! SALE! SALE! on the 2024 MAESSR calendars! This year, we’ve added two extra pages of volunteer photos and a message from Debbie about our 25th anniversary. ONLY WALL CALENDARS ARE CURRENTLY AVAILABLE and are HALF-PRICE! Click on photo or link above to order.
IT’S A FUNDRAISER! To mark 25 years of MAESSR, we’ve launched a t-shirt fundraiser. You can choose from two t-shirts, a long-sleeve t-shirt, or a crewneck sweatshirt in a variety of colors. All proceeds help MAESSR continue to find homes for Springers in need.
Featured Dogs

Check out our senior/special needs dogs! Our program, SENIORS FOR SENIORS, charges a $75 adoption fee for adopters aged 60 and over who adopt dogs nine years old and older or special needs dogs. If interested in one of our senior/special needs dogs, contact Candi Lynn here.

Fund$ for Foster$
DOGWISE.COM is another MAESSR affiliate whose mission is to bring humane, understandable and scientifically sound information to people who enrich their lives by working with, playing with and loving dogs. Many of the books, including the booklets, in the MAESSR library can be found at You can support MAESSR and get great training advice by shopping. They also sell some training products. Look for the $5 books on sale while you are there!
The Marketplace
The MAESSR MARKETPLACE is open 24/7 for purchases. We’ve also got cool toys for man’s best friend and companion. The MAESSR store and website are in transition – thanks so much for your understanding while we make improvements to the store and website.
Training Library
The MAESSR Training Library has over 250 titles of ACTUAL DVDs, CDs, and books, both fiction and non-fiction, to lend out. You can BORROW items directly from the Training Library at by simply adding them to the shopping cart and checking out. The material will be mailed to you and is due back in three weeks; YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR RETURN POSTAGE.
Featured Library Titles
NEW TO THE LIBRARY! THE TOOLBOX FOR BUILDING A GREAT FAMILY DOG (178 pages) by Terry Ryan. Terry Ryan is one of the most well-known figures in the world of positive dog training. She has been a mentor to a generation of trainers world-wide. In The Toolbox for Building a Great Family Dog, Terry presents a complete guide to help families raise a happy and well-mannered dog using techniques and games that are both fun and effective. Though this is a new book with a new focus, some will recognize parts from several of Terry’s previous books, the original Toolbox For Remodeling Your Problem Dog, Coaching People To Train Their Dogs and The Bark Stops Here. The focus of this book is the family dog and all that phrase implies including the interactions between kids and dogs, household management strategies, common behavioral problems and training games the whole family (and dog!) can enjoy. Terry’s fans will remember her 1998 book The Toolbox for Remodeling Your Problem Dog. This was one the first books to translate the science of dog behavior and training into practical and easily understood skills for both pet owner and trainer. The focus was on how to solve behavior problems. Now, as Terry puts it, her emphasis is on circumventing problems by rewarding good behavior and teaching alternative behaviors to replace those that are less desirable. Learn as only Terry Ryan can teach you – Important training and behavior concepts using Terry’s creative and fun relationship building program. – The YES TRAIN approach to solving and managing behavior problems. Games to play with your dog to keep them stimulated and provide opportunities for kids to work with dogs. – How to read your dog’s body language to understand what he is thinking and why he is reacting to what is going on around him. Donated by Cathy Moyer.
NEW TO THE LIBRARY! OUT AND ABOUT WITH YOUR DOG: DOG TO DOG INTERACTIONS ON THE STREET, ON THE TRAILS, AND IN THE DOG PARK (81 pages) by Sue Sternberg. Take your dog out with confidence! Does your dog lunge and bark at other dogs? Is your dog out of control on walks or in the dog park? Sue Sternberg offers training and management tips to help you handle your dog in public and around other dogs. This resourceful book gives you insight into your dog’s personality traits and how well it will mix with other canine personalities at the dog park. Great information about: On-leash encounters with dogs – Understanding healthy and unhealthy play – Assessing your dog and his behavior with other dogs. Donated by Cathy Moyer.
Library Wish Lists
The TRAINING LIBRARY has TWO Wish Lists. New or used titles can be purchased from the Amazon list; Dogwise has new books and DVDs. Purchases can be shipped directly to the library. Pretty quick and easy way to help out MAESSR as well as educate adopters!
Rainbow Bridge Crossings
TOMMY 2 (class of 2012) and his father Jaunty came to MAESSR through a MD shelter from a breeder hoarding situation. FRAN FISHER fostered the boys, and Tommy was adopted by MAXINE FOX and family. Tommy had many fears and needed to decompress and get acclimated to real life with time. He would soon follow Maxine everywhere, check in while they were outside walking together and slowly gain confidence with each passing day. He soon loved his entire family and a few select human and canine friends as well. His issues were the impetus to research, take courses and certify Maxine’s already growing dog behavior knowledge to help him and other dogs and their families. After recently taking Tommy to the vet, the devastating news was that he had metastatic lung cancer. The vet felt that he had 1-2 months of life left. Tommy was made as comfortable as possible and was spoiled as much as could be. He told them when it was time, and although the decision was heartbreaking and agonizing, it was the right one. Within the comfort of his home, Maxine’s heart dog was helped to Rainbow Bridge. Rest easy, beautiful boy, until you meet again.
PETE JOHNSON (class of 2013) came to MAESSR by way of Tennessee when his owner was no longer able to care for him. He fostered by KATHERINE NICELY and adopted by GARY AND BARB ZESZOTARSKI. With sad and broken hearts, they said goodbye to sweet Petey (Boo bear, Boobaloo, Boo). He was a true couch potato. He never played with any toys. He loved his walks and was truly a Velcro buddy who wanted to be near someone all the time. He had what they called a “happy howl.” He loved his neighborhood dog pals. He was his family’s favorite hello and hardest goodbye. Thanks to MAESSR for matching them with Pete – he was the best!
MAX (WELLINGTON, class of 2014) was rescued from a family in Pennsylvania that kept him crated or outdoors at all times. They had a small child who was afraid of dogs, so poor Wellington was kept away from everyone. He was fostered by DEBBIE LIPCSEY and PAM AND JOHN WALKER who adopted him. They have sadly said goodbye to sweet Max. He was a cherished member of the family for ten years and would have turned 15 in June. He was a very special boy who loved everyone he met and was good with other dogs. He happily welcomed all foster dogs into the home. His fur brother, Toby (Watson 2017), misses him too. They are all heartbroken. Max had a good life. He vacationed in Canada every summer and loved riding in the boat. His family is thankful for all of the happy memories and for MAESSR and all its volunteers.
JACK (JACKSON DANIEL, class of 2018) had lived with his original family since puppyhood. When life changes ended their ability to continue his care, the difficult commitment to surrender to MAESSR was made. Jack was fostered by LIZ WATSONand adopted by AUSTIN & NANCY WILLI when he was eight years old. With many tears, they share that Jack passed at 13-1/2 years of age. He was the third Springer Spaniel that they have loved and a perfect match for them all! Jack was the best walking partner and the best couch snuggler as well. They shall love and fondly remember this sweet soul forever and are so grateful for MAESSR’s efforts to promote their perfect match!

MOLLY (SALLY 5, class of 2014) was fostered by DEBBIE LIPCSEY and adopted by SHARON, MIKE AND EMILIO SCATTAGLIA. Molly was their Forever Girl and the best thing that ever happened to their other springer, Mickey, and their family. They will miss her love of food, love of Mickey, love of stuffed toys, tossing them in the air and then plopping down and rolling on the floor after a good meal. Most of all, they will miss her sweetness and gentleness and her total love of all of them. She was their Forever girl because it seemed like it took forever to adopt her, and they all hoped that she would be around Forever. Thanks to Debbie Lipcsey for entrusting them with loving and caring for Molly for the past 9 plus years.
Did You Know?
To learn more about the new website, check out the tutorials here.
It’s that time of year again – time to submit photos for the 2025 MAESSR calendar! Take new photos and go through the ones you have – you might find some great shots that would be perfect to submit for this year’s calendar. We need seasonal photos and “any time of the year” photos. Show off your adorable MAESSR pup! All photos need to be submitted by June 30, 2024 to be included in this year’s calendar! Link to webpage to view guidelines.
We’re on Mastodon now! Twitter throttles low-follower accounts, making it pointless for us to post there. Come on over to Mastodon and discover lots of other wonderful animal rescue groups, dog owners, and shelters, and posts on any topic you can think of. It works much like Twitter, so the format will be familiar.
If you have a PET IN NEED OF PRAYERS, please contact Linda Shope or Linda Johnston. They would be happy to add your pet’s name to the pet ministry prayer list.
IF YOU SEE A SPRINGER NEEDING RESCUE: For a springer being re-homed in an ad on social media or in a newspaper, please email the relinquishment team. For a springer in a shelter, please email the shelter dog team. In your email include contact info such as links to the online post, shelter name, state, and phone number.
Did you move? Did you change your email address? ADDRESS CHANGES should be emailed here. On the new website you can set up an account under the Shop tab so that MAESSR can keep track of your mailing address; your email can also be changed under Your Account in the top right-hand corner with Edit Profile.
If you need advice regarding behavioral issues, certified and credentialed trainers that use positive methods only to help guide people to the correct resources can be found at CCPDT and IAABC.
Gentle Nudges
RAINBOW BRIDGE CROSSINGS are shared on a monthly basis. If you want your MAESSR dog included, send your name, dog’s MAESSR name if different than the post-adoption name, year of adoption, and a PHOTO here. Feel free to include who fostered and a little background info about your dog. To have the information posted on our Facebook page, send it (including photos) to the social media team.
When you send your notes about events or requests for help, please cc: here to help ensure that all events are mentioned in the Weekly Pupdate.
Mistakes happen! Corrections or omissions to the Weekly Pupdate can be sent to Cathy.
Pictures! Pictures! Pictures!

To share pics, videos, and/or articles about your MAESSR dog to our social media team. Videos for adoption pages & YouTube channel get sent here. Be sure to include dog’s MAESSR name including number, if one, and adoption year.
Pup-ulation Report
Total dogs in our care: 22
Permanent fosters: 4
Dogs pending foster home: 0
Moving to foster home:
Jay 2 to Nadia Andrijiw
Mack 2 to Deb Brookfield
Moving to furever homes:
Jasper 10 to Murphy-Gerber
Submitted by volunteer Cathy Moyer with thanks to those who contributed submissions/info.
PO Box 807 Goochland VA 23063
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