Weekly Pupdate: 11-5-23
National Adopt A Senior Month!
News & Pupcoming Events
The 2024 MAESSR calendars are back on the website! This year, we’ve added two extra pages of volunteer photos and a message from Debbie about our 25th anniversary. These make great gifts for your favorite Springer lover! Also, don’t forget to check out the other wonderful goodies in the shop.
IT’S A FUNDRAISER! To mark 25 years of MAESSR, we’ve launched a t-shirt fundraiser. You can choose from two t-shirts, a long-sleeve t-shirt, or a crewneck sweatshirt in a variety of colors. All proceeds help MAESSR continue to find homes for Springers in need.
Featured Dogs
Check out our senior/special needs dogs! Our program, SENIORS FOR SENIORS, charges a $75 adoption fee for adopters aged 60 and over who adopt dogs nine years old and older or special needs dogs. If interested in one of our senior/special needs dogs, contact Candi Lynn here.
Fund$ for Foster$
Go to GOODSHOP.COM to get Gumdrop for free! Goodshop is the world’s first-ever shopfunding site. When you shop at thousands of stores, a percentage of what you spend will be donated to MAESSR. Gumdrop finds the best coupon codes wherever you shop. Auto Apply Savings – just one click automatically applies the best coupon for you. Never search for a coupon again and watch the savings pour in while donating to MAESSR! To choose MAESSR as your cause, type in Mid Atlantic English Springer Spaniel Rescue. (Note that there is no hyphen, just a space between Mid and Atlantic.) Highlight and click on MAESSR to adopt it as your cause. Start shopping, MAESSRland!
From the Marketplace
The MAESSR MARKETPLACE is open 24/7 for purchases. We’ve also got cool toys for man’s best friend and companion. The MAESSR store and website are in transition – thanks so much for your understanding while we make improvements to the store and website.
Be sure to check out our vast collection of garden flags, holiday ornaments, clothing, and much more. The holidays are fast approaching, and we have gifts for everyone on your list! We are adding more ornaments and magnets/stickers daily.
Click the image to the left to view the product page.
These zip-up hoodies are lined with a soft fleece, and feature MAESSR’s “Making Dreams Come True” design. Available in black/white and liver/white. Macy’s brand; embroidered.
Training Library
The MAESSR Training Library has over 250 titles of ACTUAL DVDs, CDs, and books, both fiction and non-fiction, to lend out. You can BORROW items directly from the Training Library at library.maessr.com by simply adding them to the shopping cart and checking out or you can email your name, address and material you wish to borrow to the librarian. The material will be mailed to you and is due back in three weeks; YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR RETURN POSTAGE.
Featured Library Titles
DECODING YOUR DOG: EXPLAINING COMMON DOG BEHAVIORS AND HOW TO PREVENT OR CHANGE UNWANTED ONES (360 pages) by American College of Veterinary Behaviorists. More than ninety percent of dog owners consider their pets to be members of their family. But often, despite our best intentions, we are letting our dogs down by not giving them the guidance and direction they need. Unwanted behavior is the number-one reason dogs are relinquished to shelters and rescue groups. The key to training dogs effectively is first to understand why our dogs do what they do. And no one can address this more authoritatively than the diplomates of the American College of Veterinary Behavior, whose work, the culmination of years of rigorous training, takes them deep into the minds of dogs in an effort to decode how they think, how they communicate, and how they learn. In Decoding Your Dog, these experts analyze problem behaviors, decipher the latest studies, and correct common misconceptions and outmoded theories. The book includes: Effective, veterinary-approved positive training methods; Expert advice on socialization, house-training, diet, and exercise; Remedies for behavior problems such as OCD and aggression. With Decoding Your Dog, the experts’ experts deliver a must-have dog behavior guide that ultimately challenges the way we think about our dogs. Donated by Cathy Moyer.
THE DOG DID WHAT?: 101 AMAZING STORIES OF MAGICAL MOMENTS, MIRACLES AND…MAYHEM (365 pages) by (CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL) Amy Newmark.Our dogs make us smile every day with their crazy antics and acts of love. This book is full of hilarious and heartwarming stories about the many ways our canine companions surprise us, make us laugh, and touch our hearts. Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Dog Did What? will have you saying just that, as you read these 101 humorous and heartwarming stories about our lovable, goofy, and comical canines. Whether funny or serious, or both, these stories will make you laugh and touch your heart. Donated by Pam Nealer.
Library Wish Lists
Pictures – Pictures- Pictures!

To share pics, videos, and/or articles about your MAESSR dog, send to our social media team. Videos for adoption pages & YouTube channel get sent here.
Did You Know?
Would you like to write content for our blog? We’d love to feature articles from MAESSR volunteers. If you’d like to contribute, click here and either send us your article or let us know your idea. Look for more info on the new website in the coming weeks! In the meantime, check out the tutorials here.
ADOPTED DOGS PROJECT: Please check to see if your dog is listed on our “Success Stories” page. (Click on the photo above the adoption year and go through the pages to find your dog. Hover over pics for dogs’ names. Dogs are in alphabetical order.) In migrating the dog profiles over to the new site, we found several dogs that were missing information or had their information confused with another dog. If your dog is not listed or the information/pictures are incorrect, click here to let us know. Please specify which dog, what year they were adopted, and include their proper write up and/or pictures so we can amend the errors. Thanks.
From Tiffaney Williams: “We’re creating a gallery of MAESSR stories and we want to hear from you! In one paragraph, tell us about your favorite MAESSR memory. That can be about a dog you adopted or fostered, how you first found MAESSR, a memorable event you attended, or anything else. Please include a relevant picture, or just one of your MAESSR dog. Send to maessrorders@gmail.com.” Here is an example of a story: https://maessr.org/example-story/. PLEASE SEND ASAP TO MAESSRORDERS@GMAIL.COM. Thanks, everyone!
VIDEOS – VIDEOS – VIDEOS! We have a new YouTube channel called Mid-Atlantic English Springer Spaniel Rescue. FOSTER HOMES ARE ENCOURAGED TO SEND IN VIDEOS OF THEIR CURRENT CHARGES FOR BOTH YOUTUBE AND THE DOGS’ ADOPTION PAGES. We need the dogs’ official MAESSR names and numbers as nicknames are too confusing. When sharing videos of adopted dogs, please also include the adoption year along with their official MAESSR name. Please send your videos here.
If you have a PET IN NEED OF PRAYERS, please contact Linda Shope or Linda Johnston. They would be happy to add your pet’s name to the pet ministry prayer list.
IF YOU SEE A SPRINGER NEEDING RESCUE: For a springer being rehomed in an ad on social media or in a newspaper, please email the relinquishment team. For a springer in a shelter, please email the shelter dog team. In your email include contact info such as links to the online post, shelter name, state, and phone number. Did you move?
Did you change your email address? ADDRESS CHANGES can be emailed here. This is changing with the new website. Please set up an account under the Shop tab so that MAESSR can keep track of your mailing address; your email can be changed under Your Account in the top right-hand corner with Edit Profile.
If you need advice regarding behavioral issues, certified and credentialed trainers that use positive methods only to help guide people to the correct resources can be found at CCPDT and IAABC.
Gentle Nudges
RAINBOW BRIDGE CROSSINGS are shared on a monthly basis. If you want your MAESSR dog included, send your name, dog’s MAESSR name if different than the post-adoption name, year of adoption, and a PHOTO here. Feel free to include who fostered and a little background info about your dog. To have the information posted on our Facebook page, send it (including photos) to the social media team.
When you send your notes about events or requests for help, please cc: updates@maessr.org to help ensure that all events are mentioned in the Weekly Pupdate.
Mistakes happen! Corrections or omissions to the Weekly Pupdate can be sent to Cathy.
Pup-ulation Report
Total dogs in our care: 14
Permanent fosters: 3 with Ava 2 joining the pack
Dogs pending foster home: 1
Moving into foster homes:
Zsa Zsa and Ava 2 to Debbie Lipcsey
Moving into furever homes:
Ralphie 3 to Kansier
Submitted by volunteer Cathy Moyer with thanks to those who helped with submissions/ information.
PO Box 807 Goochland VA 23063
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